Tag: Mercury retrograde

Navigating Mercury retrograde December, 2016

It’s the final Mercury retrograde of the year.  How appropriate to end 2016 and begin 2017 with the astronomical opportunity to reflect, renew, and re-strategize. What’s unusual about this Mercury retrograde December, 2016 and January, 2017 is that Mercury and Jupiter are participating in a house exchange or a parivartana yoga. Mercury retrograde happens three […]

Handling Mercury retrograde August and September 2016

Mercury retrograde begins again on August 30, 2016.  While many people dread times when Mercury is retrograde, Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, offers a somewhat varying perspective than Western astrology.  In Vedic astrology, retrogression makes a planet stronger.  This Mercury retrograde August and September 2016 is different from past ones this year.  This time, Mercury is […]

Mercury Retrograde January, 2016

Mercury retrograde happens three times a year, and it creates a great deal of panic each time. We’ve just begun the new year and already have Mercury retrograde.  While many people dread the period when Mercury is retrograde, Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, offers a somewhat varying perspective than Western astrology.  In Vedic astrology, retrogression is […]

Mercury Retrograde September and October 2015

While many people dread the period when Mercury is retrograde, Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, offers a somewhat varying perspective than Western astrology.  In Vedic astrology, retrogression is seen as a sign of strength. The final Mercury retrograde of 2015 began September 17 and lasts until October 9.  This Mercury retrograde September and October 2015 is […]

Mercury Retrograde January and February 2015

You knew it had to happen sometime this year, and it’s happening, perhaps sooner than you would have liked.  The first Mercury retrograde of the year starts soon. Mercury retrograde January and February 2015 begins on January 21 and lasts until February 11. Mercury retrograde occurs in Capricorn in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish. While many […]

Mercury Retrograde October 2014

The third and final Mercury retrograde of 2014 begins on October 4 and lasts until the 25th. Mercury retrograde will occur in Libra and Virgo in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish. While many people dread the period when Mercury is retrograde, Vedic astrology offers a somewhat varying perspective than Western astrology. In Vedic astrology, Mercury retrograde […]

Vedic astrology for October, 2014

Like the leaves of fall shedding and changing colors, Jyotish or Vedic astrology for October, 2014 brings with it a preparation for our own transformation.  Most notably we will have two eclipses in October.  The total lunar eclipse will be on the full Moon October 8 and visible in most parts of the world.  The […]

Vedic Astrology for July, 2014

Mercury retrograde officially ended today in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish.  Before you run out and buy new technology and send all those emails that you’ve been postponing over the last three weeks, wait a few days till Mercury returns to a faster pace. It’s back to half its regular speed on July 7 and then […]