1. My weight, most recently: It's difficult for me to gain weight My weight is usually pretty stable It's easy for me to gain weight & difficult for me to lose weight 2. My Dietary habits can best be described as: I eat erratically & sometimes skip meals I get irritable if I don't eat on time, especially at lunchtime I have a regular dietary routine & eat my meals slowly 3. My digestion can best be described as: I often have gas & bloating I often have acidity or heartburn I often have slow digestion & can feel the previous meal several hours after eating 4. My sleep lately can be characterized as: Is variable & I often have insomnia I sleep soundly but don't require a lot of sleep I can fall asleep easily & sleep deeply for at least 8 hours 5. My emotions lately are: Nervousness, fear & anxiety Anger, jealousy, & irritability Greed, attachment, & sentimentality 6. My skin lately: Is dry & rough, and I have cold hands & feet Oily, inflammatory & warm to the touch Thick, oily, lustrous & warm to the touch 7. My thought process recently can be characterized as: Multiple thoughts simultaneously with difficulty focusing Inquisitive, probing & critical Slow, deliberate & calm 8. My elimination most recently can be characterized as: I often suffer from constipation or do not have daily bowel movements I am prone to lose stools or diarrhea I have regular slow, steady bowel movements 9. When I speak: I speak rapidly & often jump from subject to subject I speak sharply & precisely I speak slowly & calmly 10. My hair: Is dry, has split ends, & can be difficult to manage Oily, straight, thin and prematurely gray or balding Thick, wavy, and lustrous 11. My daily routine falls into the following category: I have a hard time sticking to any type of schedule & enjoy multi-tasking I methodically plan my days with productive activities I have difficulty staying motivated & like following a predictable routine daily 12. My joints Crack & pop, are thin, cold to the touch They are flexible, warm & moderate in size Are large, cool & move easily 13. My memory: I remember easily & forget quickly. I am scattered Is very precise I learn slowly but can then retain the information 14. With regard to finances I spend impulsively & have a hard time saving I spend money on planned purchases as well as luxuries I am good at saving money & have regular spending patterns 15. My nails lately: Are dry, rough & brittle Are pink, sharp & shiny Are thick, smooth & oily 16. The tastes I prefer: Salty, sweet, & sour Bitter (i.e. coffee, lettuce, turmeric), sweet & astringent (i.e. pomegranate, alfalfa sprouts, green beans, cranberries) Astringent, bitter & pungent (i.e. chili peppers, onion, cinnamon, mint) 17. In terms of daily physical activity: I am extremely active I have planned daily activities I have a hard time getting motivated to be active 18. My climate preferences: The warmer the better The cooler the better I prefer cool temperatures, but not too cold or damp 19. My teeth: Are crooked, yellowish, & I have thin gums Medium sized & I am prone to bleeding gums Large, white and prominent, with thick gums 20. Health conditions I have experienced: Arthritis, constipation, muscle twitching Inflammatory conditions inside the body or on my skin Weight gain, water retention, extra mucous in the body Your Email Address: Get our Newsletter Error © VedicHealing.com All right reserved. Do not duplicate without permission.