Jyotish FAQ
What does the word jyotish mean?
The word “jyoti” means a flame or a light. It’s the light which shines down from the heavens and provides us with the ability to see physically and also to look deeper into the subtle energies of life. The suffix “sh” means best or wisest. Therefore, the word jyotish may be translated as “the science of light” or “the wisdom of the heavens”. By illumining our inner light, we can remove darkness and ignorance and reveal the truth about our lives.
How important is an accurate birth time?
An accurate birth time is extremely important. In the system of Vedic astrology, you experience planetary cycles throughout your life. The timing of these cycles is based on your time of birth. The Vedic astrologer analyzes these cycles to predict upcoming events in your life. The more accurate your birth time, the more accurate the predictions of events. The best source of information for your birth time is usually your birth certificate.
What if I am unable to locate my birth time?
Then you have two options. First, you can have your chart rectified. This requires recreating significant events in your life (moves, graduations, new jobs, relationships, etc.) and then seeing how they tie into the planetary cycles in your life. A birth time is then determined for you. The other option is to ask prashnas (questions) about specific topics. A chart is created for the moment that the question is asked and then predictions are made. Both methods have been used with great accuracy for hundreds of years in India.
What areas of my life can Jyotish provide me information on?
Jyotish can shed light into particularly any area of your life, such as:
- Personality traits
- Family dynamics
- Career
- Education
- Finances
- Relationships
- Health
- Spirituality
- Travel
- Astrocartography (desirable locations to reside)
- Your unique gifts and skills
Which planets does Vedic Astrology take into consideration?
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu (the North node of the Moon) and Ketu (the South node of the Moon).