Ninth night of Navratri: Maha Navami

Worship Siddhidatri

October 11th is the ninth night of Navratri 2024 .  Navratri is the nine night festival honoring the many forms which the goddess Durga has taken.  Thus, the goddesses are known as NavaDurga (nine Durgas).  Each goddess represents particular virtues and attributes which we can embrace.  The women in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra wear saris (traditional Indian clothing) to match the auspicious color for the goddess that day.

Siddhidhatri is the NavaDurga worshiped on the ninth night of Navratri
Siddhidhatri is the NavaDurga worshiped on the ninth night of Navratri

Additionally, one of the nava graha (nine planets) in Jyotish is associated with each NavaDurga.  This is the last of three nights dedicated to honoring Saraswati. It is also the conclusion of the festival of Navratri.

The last or ninth night of Navratri is known as Maha Navami.  Maha means great and Navami refers to the ninth phase of the Moon in Vedic astrology.  In North America, South America, Africa and Europe, Maha Navami is on October 11th.

India, Australia, and New Zealand will celebrate Maha Navami and the the auspicious holiday of Vijaya Dashami or Dussera on October 12th. Dashami refers to the 10th phase of the Moon.  They will celebrate Durgasthami on October 11th.

The NavaDurga whom we worship on the ninth night of Navratri is Siddhidatri  (सिद्धिदात्री).  The auspicious sari color is peacock green, according to Drik panchang.  The website states: “Purple color is associated with luxury, grandeur and nobility. Worshipping Navdurga wearing Purple bestows devotees with opulence and richness. So, do not shy away and don a beautiful purple outfit to receive the blessings of Goddess.”


To honor Siddhidatri, you should observe a fast and offer til or sesame seeds as prasad (blessed food) to her. This is believed to protect their family from unfortunate mishaps.  You can later use the sesame seeds in your cooking.

Many people choose to fast on Maha Navami. You may eat only fruits and nuts, or you may only have one main meal after sunset, or you may have only fruits, nuts and root vegetables.

You may offer her the champa flower (Plumeria Alba)

Royalty-free champa flower photos free download | Pxfuel


Vedamurti Shri Vivek Godbole says: “A siddhi is mistakenly thought of as magic and people want siddhis to walk over water or to fly. Eknath Maharaj says these are substitutes. You will never find God, but you will be deceived by these siddhis. Siddhidatri will open your eyes.  She will show you what a siddhi is;  what is true and what is not true.”

“She is asking, “I gave you a beautiful form, mind, how are you using it? You should use everything properly.” She will control your use of what you have. “ We can speak, sing and express joy. We can express our thoughts with each other. Other forms can’t do that.  Siddhidatri is saying, “I have given you innumerable gifts but you are crying like a beggar. You think, ‘I don’t have this, I don’t have that.’ Think of what you have and then cry.”  She will tell you what you have to think about that. Then you can ask for other things.”


95ddf6c807df9858d5127dec49ff48c2Drik panchang explains: In the beginning of the universe, Lord Rudra worshiped Adi-Parashakti for creation. It is believed that Goddess Adi-Parashakti had no form. The supreme Goddess of Power, Adi-Parashakti, appeared in the form of Siddhidatri from the left half of Lord Shiva.  Goddess Siddhidatri sits on a kamal (lotus)  and rides on the lion. She is depicted with four hands. She has gada (mace) in the one right hand, chakra (discus) in the other right hand, lotus flower in the one left hand and shankha (conch) in the other left hand.

She is the Goddess who possesses and bestows all type of siddhis to her devotees. Even Lord Shiva got all his siddhis by the grace of Goddess Siddhidatri. She is worshiped by not only humans, but also by Devas, Gandharvas, Asuras, Yakshas and Siddhas. Lord Shiva got the title of Ardha-Narishwar when Goddess Siddhidatri appeared from his left half.

Ganeshaspeaks writes: Maa Siddhidatri grants her devotees all sorts of achievements and is capable of giving all sorts of occult powers. She is the possessor of 26 different wishes (siddhis) which she grants her worshipers. The legend has it that the Lord Shiva got all those siddhis by worshiping Maa Shakti.  As a result of her gratitude, half of Lord Shiva’s body became that of Maa Shakti, and therefore he was called as Ardhnarishvar.

72b7437053dbbfa4f2a91063aad9ae8eThis avatar of Maa Durga removes ignorance and provides knowledge to her devotees.  Her glory and power are infinite and worshiping Maa Siddhidatri on the final day (the ninth day) of Navratri bestows all siddhis to her devotees and also marks the successful completion of the Navratri festival.

It is said that all wishes get fulfilled by her blessings. Siddhidatri gives her devotees a positive outlook and the energy to carry out their goals.


Hinduism Outlook elaborates on Siddhadatri:

Siddhidhatri is known to bestow Siddhis (the Mystical powers) to a plethora of beings like Gandharvas, Yakshas, Devas, Danavas, and Naras.

The Goddess Siddhidhatri is not only known to grant wishes to siddhis, ascetics, or sages, but she is also known to show her ultimate compassion when a devotee meditates upon her wholeheartedly.

It was believed that worshipping this goddess helps to develop the art of perfection within oneself as well as in removing their ignorance.

According to Devi Bhagavatam, God Shiva had attained all the 18 siddhi’s from Goddess Siddhidhatri.

The Puranas, such as the Bhrahmavaivartha, have mentioned 18 Siddhis.

The well-known Ashta Siddhis are:

  1. Anima (the ability to reduce one’s body to as small as the size of an atom)
  2. Mahima (Ability to expand infinitely large or spread across)
  3. Garima (Becoming extraordinary heavy or immovable)
  4. Laghima (Almost weightless, lesser than air)
  5. Prapti (Unrestricted access to all the places)
  6. Prakamya (Ability to achieve whatever one can desire)
  7. Ishitva (Absolute control over nature)
  8. Vashitva or Vashikarana (Ability to gain control over all living and non-livings things)

In addition to these eight siddhis worshipping Goddess Siddhidhatri is also known to bestow all other siddhis, such as: Sarwakama, Sarwgnythva, Parakaya pravesha, Doorasravana, Vaaksiddhi, Srushti, Samharakarana samardhya, Kalpavrukshathva, Amarathva, Sarvannayakathva, Bhavana.


Chant this mantra to worship Maa Siddhidatri:

सिद्धगधर्व यक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि।
सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी।।

Sid’dhagadharva yakṣādyairasurairamarairapi |
Sēvyamānā sadā bhūyāta sid’dhidā sid’dhidāyinī ||

Here is a stuti to Siddhidhatri:

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ सिद्धिदात्री रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।

Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu Ma Siddhidatri rupena sansthita. Namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namah |

May Siddhidhatri bless you on this ninth night of Navratri 2024.  Shubh Navrati!

(Amazon links are paid links. The items have been personally chosen to enhance your understanding of Navaratri and Vedic tradions, as well as the particular goddesses.)












Recent Comments

  • http://taum

    October 10, 2016 at 10:33 am

    Thanks so much for all these posts on Navatri. This is the first year I have observed the puja and I found your comments helpful in understanding its significance.

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