June marks the beginning of summer. Just as the season is changing, we are in for a series of planetary transitions over the summer. There’s a big shift for three consecutive months. The most impactful movement in Jyotish or Vedic astrology for June, 2017 is the transit of Saturn back into Scorpio.
As we begin the month in Vedic astrology for June, 2017, Venus has moved out of its exaltation sign in Pisces. How did its long stay in Pisces impact your romantic inclinations and expectations? Venus moves into Aries, giving the impetus to further beautify oneself. This may be via a new haircut, snazzy sunglasses, captivating eyeglasses, new makeup, etc.
On June 3, Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus. This provides an opportunity for you to utilize your intelligence via verbal communication. This can be via eloquent, persuasive speeches or carefully worded language.
The Full Moon in Vedic astrology for June, 2017 is on the 8th. This full Moon is Jyestha Purnima. It’s a mixed bag, as the Moon is both full and debilitated. You can read more about the full Moon on my Facebook page. Further practices will be provided to Reflective Mindset Group members.
The next day, Jupiter comes out out of retrogression in Virgo. This can be a very beneficial time for people in a Jupiter planetary cycle. Jupiter is preparing for its move into sidereal Libra. I’ll be posting further information on how to maximize transit for Reflective Mindset Group members.
On June 14, the Sun joins Mars in Gemini. Now the two Pitta planets in Ayurveda are re-joined. Watch for sharp written communication. Don’t overdo the weight machines at the gym. Be wary of inflammatory conditions with your hands and upper arms. Mahanarayan oil is very effective in soothing muscles and joints. Alleviate essential oil also eases sore muscles and inflammation. Mix the two together for maximum effectiveness.
Then on June 19, Mercury returns home to Gemini. Yet its proximity to the Sun makes it super combust. Will your communication be lost or misunderstood? Take care of your nervous system. Brahmi tincture as well as Brahmi powder are two products commonly used in Ayurveda to calm the central nervous system.
The new Moon in Vedic astrology for June, 2017 is on the 23rd. The Moon is new in the searching star of Mrigashrisha. With four planets in Gemini, it’s not a time for extensive roaming. You’ll have many situations competing for your attention. The best way to utilize your energy is to direct it inwards.
The biggest planetary movement in Vedic astrology for June, 2017 is on the 20th when Saturn re-enters Scorpio on the 20th. This is Saturn’s final foray into Scorpio. It won’t return again for almost 30 years. Saturn limps back into Sagittarius at the end of October. I have been posting guidance for this Saturn transit in the Reflective Mindset Group.
On June 27-29, Mars and Mercury engage in a planetary war in Gemini. Don’t believe everything you hear or read! I’ll post more info on my Facebook page.
Then on June 29 Venus returns home to Taurus. How will you adorn yourself? Will you buy shiny new jewelry or adorn yourself in silks? Or decorate your home with newly acquired works of art? Those in a Venus planetary cycle will be able to utilize this period to their advantage via investments.
To learn how to best navigate these important planetary in Vedic astrology for June, 2017 and beyond, schedule a personal astrology reading. The planetary shifts of Saturn, Jupiter, and the nodes this summer all last over a year. Regardless of what cycle you are in, they will give you important opportunities and decisions. Prepare for your future now.