Saturn in Sagittarius

 // Om Sham Shri Shanaischaraya Namah //

Astrologers can mark significant transitions in a person’s life by the movement of Saturn.  Have you noticed how certain components of your life are reaching a natural conclusion, while new pathways are opening up in other areas? This is due to the movement of Saturn in Vedic astrology or Jyotish.  The sages say, “Yet pinde, tat Brahmande” (as above, so below).  The planetary movements in the heavens are the macrocosms which reflect our own personal microcosm of experience.  Saturn enters sidereal Sagittarius on Thursday, January 26, 2017.  Saturn in Sagittarius marks a significant shift from the transformative journey of Saturn in Scorpio.

Shani Dhanu rashi
Saturn in Sagittarius

Saturn (Shani) in Sagittarius (Dhanu rashi) presents an opportunity for you to align with dharma or your greater calling.  One of the appellations for Saturn is “Dharma Raja”, or the king of dharma.  As the ninth house of the natural zodiac, Sagittarius is the highest house of dharma.  As you see seek to define and strategize about your place in the world, you will attempt to do so in a Saturnian fashion of seeking safety, self-preservation, and security.  The path will be slow and steady.

Sagittarius is symbolized by an archer who’s pointing his bow high. He has great aspirations and a competitive streak.  Sagittarius is a fiery sign creating dynamic activity.  Sagittarius is ruled by the great benefic, Jupiter.  Saturn in Sagittarius is happier than its previous home of Scorpio, which was ruled by Mars.  Saturn considers Mars its primary enemy, while Saturn and Jupiter take a neutral stance toward each other.

What to expect with Saturn in Sagittarius:

  • The opportunity to align with your life’s purpose
  • Turning to spirituality or religion in the search for higher truths
  • The deep desire to change jobs and/ or make a move
  • Various opportunities to study with foreign teachers
  • Re-strategizing your belonging in social groups and alliances
  • Planning and visioning your strategies for personal improvement
  • Taking trips to foreign lands, often for purpose of seeking higher knowledge
  • Implementing new forms of exercise which involve using leg and hip muscles in new ways
  • Renewed interest in the pursuit of higher education
  • Rigid views on what is right or wrong, good and evil
  • Conservative philosophical approaches returning to prominence
  • Opportunities to re-connect and soothe relationships with father figures and mentors

The deeper impact of Saturn in Sagittarius is best seen by examining where your natal Saturn is and where you natal Moon is placed.

Sade Sati

Those with a sidereal Libra Moon will soon be ending their Sade Sati, or the 7.5 year transit of Saturn around and over their Moon. Life gets more stable. People with a Scorpio Moon will feel less mental pressure and a sense of relief.  Individuals with a Sagittarius Moon should learn healing strategies to handle the mental stress they feel. And finally, those with a Capricorn Moon will begin their transformative Sade Sati.  If you are experiencing your Sade Sati, Saturn return, or Ashtami Shani, it is beneficial to have a puja performed on your behalf.  The Shri Krishna Yajurveda Pathashala in India is offering such pujas.  Please send an email to for further information.

The time when Saturn moves from the end of Scorpio to the beginning of Sagittarius (from a water sign to a fire sign) is called “gandanta”.  It is seen as a very unstable time in the world and we should exercise caution both on an individual and a global level.

Tips for handling Saturn in Sagittarius:

  • Be charitable
  • Embrace belief systems other than just your own
  • Create healing alliances with foreigners
  • Study religious and philosophical texts
  • To calm the nerves and ease sore muscles, use Sweet Basil Oil
  • If you experience inflammatory muscle pain, consider taking Kaishore Guggulu
  • Apply a small amount of Mahanarayan oil to sore muscles and joints before a warm shower
  • Use muscle and joint balm topically
  • To handle mental stress, take Mental Clarity tablets
  • Be flexible in body and mind
  • Know where your natal Saturn is and what you have placed in Sagittarius
  • Learn the lessons which Saturn is attempting to teach you

Saturn remains in Sagittarius until June 20, 2017, and then re-enters Scorpio for a final review of the transformational process of the last two years.  Then Saturn re-enters Sagittarius on October 26, 2017 and remains there until January, 2020.

As we all have our own unique charts, there are hundreds of combinations for what Saturn in Sagittarius will ignite. If you would like to learn what this period portends for you, please take the opportunity to schedule a Vedic astrology reading.

// Om Sham Shri Shanaischaraya Namah //










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