Tag: Sun in Virgo

Vedic astrology for October, 2015

Jyotish, or Vedic astrology for October, 2015 contains important Vedic ceremonial observations and festivals.  The holy days of Pitru Paksha continue, followed by the festival of Navratri. With regards to astrological movements, Mercury retrograde ends, and three planetary wars ensue. Are you immersed in the practices of Pitru Paksha?  This is a sacred time for […]

Vedic Astrology for September, 2014

Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology for September, 2014 sets a different tone than the planetary friction we experienced in August with the Mars and Saturn conjunction and planetary war. It contains a unique juxtaposition of powerful planetary placements. We also have some very notable holidays in the Vedic calendar this month. The Mars Saturn planetary war […]