Vedic astrology for September, 2015

photo courtesy of @watervagabond
photo courtesy of @watervagabond

On the heels of the full Moon on August 29, the energies are heightened in Jyotish or Vedic astrology for September, 2015.  As we start the month, the Venus/ Mars planetary war continues. It ends on September 2.   Have you been leaping into new relationships too quickly based on attraction alone?  The month brings us two eclipses, along with an exalted Mercury retrograde.

Venus comes out of its retrogression in Cancer on September 6.  The retrograde period should have served as a time for you to re-strategize your relationships and clarify your innermost desires for romance.  Venus’ retrogression also facilitated the opportunity to sever ties with non-functional relationships, as we witnessed with many celebrity couples, and the Ashley Madison scandal.

We celebrate the birthday of Krishna, or Krishna Janmashtami on September 4 in North America, South America, and Europe, and on September 5 in India and the rest of the world. You may consult for more specific information.

People in a Jupiter cycle get some relief when Jupiter escapes from the Sun’s glare on the 7th.  Yet, Saturn’s gaze can still put a damper on Jupiter’s exuberance. That won’t change for the duration of Jupiter’s stay in Leo.

The new Moon for Vedic astrology in September, 2015 happens on September 12 in Leo in the constellation of Purva Phalguni, a bright red-colored star.  Resist the impulse to shop till you drop and stand out in the crowd.

216288Jupiter changes constellations and moves out of Magha nakshatra and into Purva Phalguni on the 14th. Purva Phalguni is the nakshatra of enjoyment. Once security (artha) is in place with the previous nakshatra of Magha, people will enjoy its pleasure (kama). Right action (dharma) moderates the amount of kama. Here we can weigh which deeds are meritorious or non-meritorious. Purva Phalguni is characterized as two stars seen as the front part of a hammock or a swing. when looked at in the context of surrounding stars.  This star located in loin or flank of the lion in Leo. The Vedic deity for Purva Phalguni is Bhaga. There is little mention of him in Vedic literature.  He is associated with wealth and marriage. He is one of the Adityas (son of Aditi, the mother goddess).  Each of the Adityas represents the qualities of life that render society attractive and enjoyable.  Bhaga represents prosperity in the sense of one’s inherited rightful share.  As in Magha, family is very important to Purva Phalguni. The desire for marriage and children is enhanced and marital harmony takes on an added significance.

A partial solar eclipse occurs on September 13.  It is visible in South Africa, the Indian ocean and Antarcrtica. We should still be cognizant that an eclipse is occurring, even if it is not in our vicinity.

IMG_3159The Sun leaves its home of Leo and joins Mercury and Rahu in analytical Virgo on September 17. Mercury has been exalted in Virgo and goes retrograde the same day. This renders Mercury twice as strong.  The combination of these three planets can give way to unusual reasoning and strategies. You may change daily routines to fit an ever-evolving lifestyle.  As Mercury grows closer to the Sun in its retrogression, it becomes combust from the 24th onwards and loses some of its power.  Yet, the Sun then takes on Mercury’s attributes, in addition to its own.  Those in Mercury and Sun cycles will be impacted most.

This is the lunar month of Bhadrapada, so the full Moon in Vedic astrology for September, 2015 is in the nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada, in Pisces on the 27th. This is known as Bhadrapada Purnima.  The Moon is full at 7:50 PM Pacific time.  With Uttara Bhadrapada, there can be intense emotions, where you may feel limitations and frustration arise.  Don’t let these overpowering sentiments get the best of you so that you explode like a pent-up volcano. It’s a powerful time to funnel those energies towards spiritual pursuits. You can also redirect that energy towards artistic endeavors such as photography or film-making or journaling.

Following the full Moon, the sacred two week period of Pitru Paksha begins on September 28 worldwide, except for Fiji and New Zealand, when it begins on the 29th.  This is a time dedicated to spiritual practices and worshiping our ancestors.

4127-torn-worldThe final lunar eclipse for 2015 happens on September 27 in North America and September 28 in the rest of the world (source:  According to NASA, this total eclipse is visible in the  East Pacific, North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Western Asia. Vedic astrology advises that you focus inwardly during an eclipse, rather than gazing at this sensation. I will post another blog regarding the lunar eclipse.

The planetary placements and events in Vedic astrology for September, 2015 invite us to be present and accountable for our actions. Focus on what avenues of your life are highlighted by your planetary cycles and transits.  See what opportunities are best to pursue at this time based on your natal chart and how you can best navigate these transformational times.