Today marks the first day of the Indian new year. Yesterday was the festival of Diwali (dee-vaah-lee) or Deepavali (deep-uh-vaah-lee) – the festival of lights. Deepa means dharma (sacred duty) and avali means a continuous line. Diwali celebrates the return of Lord Rama back home after a 14 year period of exile. The residents of […]
The Holidays Commence…Navratri 2007
Today marks the first night of Navratri 2007 (pronounced Nuh-vuh-rah-trii (as in bee)) in the Indian calendar. Nav = nine and ratri = night. Thus, it is the night nights that are dedicated to the celebration of the goddess. The first three days/ nights are dedicated to the goddess Durga (pronounced Dour (rhymes with tour) gah […]
The Act of Leaving
There are some leaves that are nestled in the space in my car near the windshield wipers. They’re dry and curled up now, but at some point they were bright green and more vibrant. As I was driving today, I realized that they’ve been there for a while now. I haven’t done anything about them or paid […]
Is it me or my chart?
There often seems to be confusion on the part of the general public about what an astrological chart represents. It tells the story of our personality, conditioning, personality traits, preferences, etc. It certainly gives us habitual ways of behaving. The goal of Vedic astrology or Jyotish is to illumine such tendencies in our lives […]
It’s Getting Crowded in Here!
In America, we really like our space. The expression, “You’re invading my personal space” used to be quite popular. We can take a break from a relationship saying, “I need my space”. That is reason enough, we rationalize. We talk about not having enough room in our homes, closets, offices, etc. Storage units are […]
First Post! The Four Pillars of Life
Reflecting on a situation or even reading about it can sometimes help makes sense when we are confused or perplexed about a situation.We all strive for security and knowing the place of things in our lives. It helps us move through the world with a greater sense of ease. As Maslow defined, we need to […]