The First Day of the Second Half of the Year

Today is the beginning of the second half of the year. A time for new beginnings. An opportunity to refresh and renew your resolutions.  An opening for making further advancements on your path.

So here are some ideas on what you can do to make progress with your goals or resolutions, and to make it a very memorable 2008 (in a good way)!

–  Review your new years’ goals and / or resolutions and see where you are. Modify them if necessary
–  Journal about how the last 6 months have been
–  Commit to a regular exercise schedule for the month
–  Make a plan to eat out less and cook at home more
–  Re-visit your dream board or create a new one
–  Do something that puts you outside of your comfort zone
–  Put yourself first and do something that you enjoy
–  Get out there and enjoy the beautiful summer weather!
–  Put on some music that you like and dance. Rick Springfield has just added his catchy new songs, “What’s Victoria’s Secret” and “Venus in Overdrive” on his My Space page. You may enjoy listening.
–  Do one thing that you’ve been putting off for a long time. You’ll be so relieved when it’s done.
– Get a massage/ manicure/ pedicure/ reflexology session/ Reiki treatment/ astrology reading/ numerology reading/ tarot reading
–  Attend the free summer festivities in your area
–  Connect with that old friend that you haven’t seen in a while
–  Acknowledge whatever you may be feeling and don’t judge it
–  Give yourself an hour to curl up with a favorite book and turn off the phones
–  Make a budget for the rest of the year
–  Review your financial portfolio. No need to panic. Stocks have historically yielded the highest returns over time over any other investment vehicle, but you need to make sure that your investment vehicles are commensurate with your objectives.
–  Put on a fancy outfit for no reason
–  Have an extra long meditation session
–  Delete all those unnecessary emails that you know you’ll never get to
– Visualize how the rest of the year is going to be and watch it unfold

Enjoy the rest of the year and embrace whatever comes your way.