Like the leaves of fall shedding and changing colors, Jyotish or Vedic astrology for October, 2014 brings with it a preparation for our own transformation. Most notably we will have two eclipses in October. The total lunar eclipse will be on the full Moon October 8 and visible in most parts of the world. The […]
Vedic Astrology for September, 2014
Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology for September, 2014 sets a different tone than the planetary friction we experienced in August with the Mars and Saturn conjunction and planetary war. It contains a unique juxtaposition of powerful planetary placements. We also have some very notable holidays in the Vedic calendar this month. The Mars Saturn planetary war […]
Mars and Saturn in Libra
July, 2014 is a time of big changes in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish. Jupiter moved into exaltation, Rahu and Ketu changed signs, and Mars has returned to Libra. Mars and Saturn in Libra reignites the tense dynamic from February and March of this year. Fortunately, wild card Rahu is now out of the picture as […]
Vedic Astrology for June, 2014
A much anticipated planetary shift is occurring in Vedic Astrology for June, 2014. Jupiter, “the great benefic” in Vedic Astrology, or Jyotish, is entering Cancer for one year, starting June 18. Cancer is the sign of Jupiter’s exaltation or place of greatest strength. The last time that Jupiter was in Cancer was from July, 2002 […]
Saturn in Vishakha Nakshatra
There’s been a general state of uncertainty, indecision, and wavering on both an individual level as well as a global level. People haven’t been able to choose sides and felt unable to move forward. Things are about to change. Exalted Saturn has left Svati nakshatra in Libra in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish. Now we have […]
The Saturn Rahu Conjunction
A highly anticipated and somewhat dreaded event in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, is about to take place this week. It’s the Saturn Rahu conjunction in Libra in Vedic astrology. Saturn is considered the greatest malefic or the planet which causes us to experience circumstances which we deem undesirable. Rahu is the north node and it […]
Planetary Strengths and Weaknesses
In “A Tale of Two Cities”, Charles Dickens writes, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” The same can be said for present day. All around, people are undergoing huge transitions. They are making changes in life, willingly or unwillingly. From the viewpoint of Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, this is […]
Saturn Comes Out of Retrogression in Libra
Om Sham Shri Shanischaraya Namaha Of the nine planets (nava grahas) utilized in Vedic astrology or Jyotish, Saturn is the slowest moving of them all. Known as “the slow mover”, Saturn typically inhabits a sign for 2.5 years. Definitely enough time for us to feel its impact in all our lives. Saturn has been retrograde […]
Saturn Enters Svati Nakshatra
Om Sham Shri Shanischaraya Namah Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, is a lunar based system, as opposed to the solar based system of Western astrology. Vedic astrology emphasizes the zodiac sign in which the Moon resides, and more so, its nakshatra or lunar constellation. There are 27 nakshatras (phonetically nuck-shut-ruhs) in Vedic astrology. Each is associated […]
Mercury and Saturn: The Battle Between Impulsiveness and Caution in Vedic Astrology
I previously wrote about the planetary configuration of all the planets on the nodal axis in Vedic astrology or Jyotish. Multiple factors have added to this intensity. One is the current planetary war (or graha yuddha) between Mercury and Saturn in Libra. A planetary war is when two of the five “true” planets in Vedic […]