Om Sham Shri Shanischaraya Namah
Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, is a lunar based system, as opposed to the solar based system of Western astrology. Vedic astrology emphasizes the zodiac sign in which the Moon resides, and more so, its nakshatra or lunar constellation. There are 27 nakshatras (phonetically nuck-shut-ruhs) in Vedic astrology. Each is associated with specific characteristics, as well as a symbol and deity. Every planet in Vedic astrology occupies a nakshatra.

Saturn is occupying its sign of exaltation in Libra for two more years in Vedic astrology. Saturn entered Svati nakshatra on October 11, 2012. Svati (alternately spelled Swati or Swathi) is symbolized by an unstable young sprout or plant, swaying in the wind. The deity is Vayu, the wind God. Vayu is the father of Hanuman and Bhima (Arjuna’s brother in the Mahabharata).
Since Saturn is a significator for minerals, property,and earth,there can be an association with natural disasters while Saturn is in Svati nakshatra.
Vayu is very closely associated with Vata, the principle of movement in Ayurveda. Vata is responsible for every type of activity in the body, from speech to respiration to elimination to walking. When Vata is excessive in the body, there can be excessive stiffness in the body, constipation, multi-tasking, shallow breathing, gas, and bloating. Each planet in Vedic astrology is associated with an Ayurvedic dosha (Vata, Pitta or Kapha). Saturn is considered to be the main significator for Vata. Depending on where Saturn is situated in a horoscope, it can be linked with Vata imbalances. You can learn more about your current Ayurvedic constitution and how to balance it by taking this quiz.

The alternate deity of Svati nakshatra is Sarasvati (phonetically Suh-russ-vuh-tee), the goddess of speech, wisdom, and education. Sarasvati is pictured holding a mala, a book, and playing her instrument, a veena. She is typically depicted wearing a white sari, sitting on a lotus or a swan. As we are in the midst of the festival of Navratri now, the last three days are dedicated to Devi Sarasvati.
Since Svati can cause instability, there is a tendency to vacillate back and forth. This further vitiates Vata. Simultaneously, Svati is striving to establish its independence. However, it has difficulty doing so because it is still a delicate shoot, not a fully grown plant. To compensate for this, it is important for those who have a planet in Svati nakshatra which is activated by their planetary cycle to be firm in their decision making. They must choose a course of action and create a plan and strategies for follow through. People can utilize the free service of Objectiveli to optimally establish their goals.
Rather than trying to conquer everything at once, it is vital for Svati people to undertake tasks incrementally and keep them on a smaller, manageable scale. Attempting to establish greater and greater independence can be overwhelming for Svati. There can be an ongoing need to travel to “find oneself” or establish oneself. Again, this constant travel aggravates Vata dosha, which needs to be grounded.
Svati is also associated with new ideas and inspirations. There is also the love for learning. With Saturn exalted in Svati, this can be a time when thought forms can be put into concrete action. It’s also an excellent time for education.
In Vedic astrology, it is thought that Saturn, Venus, and North node Rahu do well in Svati. Saturn is the planet of discipline and forbearance. It has an ability to stick to a task unwaveringly when exalted. Thus, it can overcome Svati’s fluctuating nature. Rahu is the nakshatra ruler of Svati. Rahu is also associated with suddenness, but its oscillation can be managed in Svati. Rahu enters Svati nakshatra in June, 2013. Venus owns Libra, in which Svati is located. A planet is said to be happy in its own home in Vedic astrology. Venus will be in Svati from November 22 to December 2, 2012. Mercury does not fare as well in Svati. Mercury was just in Svati earlier this month.
Saturn goes retrograde in Svati nakshatra from Febuary 18 to July 7, 2013. Its characteristics will be even more magnified at that time. Saturn leaves Svati nakshatra on November 4, 2013 and enters Vishakha.
Om Sham Shri Shanischaraya Namah