Why is there so much conflict in the world? A reason which Vedic astrology or Jyotish can offer is the many planetary wars or graha yuddhas.

Why is there so much conflict in the world? A reason which Vedic astrology or Jyotish can offer is the many planetary wars or graha yuddhas.
The third and final Mercury retrograde of 2014 begins on October 4 and lasts until the 25th. Mercury retrograde will occur in Libra and Virgo in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish. While many people dread the period when Mercury is retrograde, Vedic astrology offers a somewhat varying perspective than Western astrology. In Vedic astrology, Mercury retrograde […]
It’s that time of the year once again when Mercury turns retrograde. It happens June 7, 2014. With Mercury retrograde June 2014 in Gemini, Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, offers a somewhat varying perspective than Western astrology. In Vedic astrology, retrogression is seen as a sign of strength. When a planet is retrograde, it is closer […]
Mercury entered Gemini today in the system of Vedic Astrology, or Jyotish. Mercury is the planet of communication, technology, and commerce. It is quick-witted, intellectual, and analytical. With Mercury in Gemini, the planet is in its own sign. Planets like being at home; they are comfortable there. Mercury joins Jupiter in Gemini. Both Mercury and […]
April showered us with two eclipses and the unexpected twists that only the Moon’s nodes can evoke. May brings us the gift of flowering planets in Vedic astrology or Jyotish. Vedic astrology for May, 2014 presents us with an array of strong planets and a potential for elevated outcomes. What differentiates the planetary placements in […]
The saying “Go fly a kite!” takes on a literal meaning every January 14 in India. This date marks Makar Sankranti: the kite flying holiday in India in the state of Maharashtra. Makar means Capricorn. Sankranti implies a movement or change of location. The reason for the celebration is the entry of the Sun into […]
After an intense Saturn Rahu conjunction and a partial lunar eclipse, a more common astronomical phenomenon is about to re-occur. This will be Mercury retrograde in Libra in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish. While many people dread the period when Mercury is retrograde, Vedic astrology offers a somewhat varying perspective than Western astrology. In Vedic astrology, retrogression […]
While Saturn and North node Rahu continue to separate in Vedic astrology, there are still quite proximate to each other in Libra. Mercury is also with this combination. There are three upcoming Saturn and Mercury planetary wars in Libra. A planetary war (or graha yuddha) is when two of five planets (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and […]
You’ve heard the battle cry recently, “Oh no! Mercury is retrograde!” It’s reverberated a few times a year when this astronomical phenomenon occurs. With Mercury retrograde in Gemini, Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, offers a somewhat varying perspective than Western astrology. In Vedic astrology, retrogression is seen as a sign of strength. When a planet is […]
Om Gum Gurave Namah: In Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, one method we utilize to assess what an individual will experience is by planetary transits. The movement of the planets in the heavens have a direct correlation to what we experience on earth. The Sanskrit word for planet is “graha”, which means to grasp or to […]