One of the most significant astrological events of 2019 is Jupiter’s transit. Jupiter in Sagittarius signifies a higher shift in consciousness.
Vedic astrology and world events for the second half of 2019
Planetary correlations for Vedic astrology and world events for the second half of 2019 There have been countless problems with water contamination, pollution, lowering of environmental standards, and disasters at sea. Unfortunately, these are not likely to diminish in the near future. How to navigate the rest of 2019 How can you manage the planetary […]
Vedic astrology for March, 2017
Jyotish or Vedic astrology for March, 2017 brings strong placements for Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. Mercury turns weak, and Saturn becomes more stable. There is a great deal of activity in Pisces and Aries this month. Mars in Aries The big move in Vedic astrology for March, 2017 is Mars’ return back to its own […]