We’re two weeks into the new year.
Have you set an intention for the year?
How about creating a vision?
You can write down who you desire to be in this year, what you will strive to achieve, what quality or qualities you want to embody. You can list your spiritual progression, career endeavors, charitable acts, the contribution that you will make to your family/ community/ the world.
You can choose to walk your talk.
You can decide to make time for yourself to pursue what is most necessary for your personal evolution.
Write out what your focus and goals for the year will be; whether it is personal or professional.
Set a time frame for which you will achieve certain benchmarks.
Have a periodic check in process with yourself, a friend, or mentor.
Intentions are best written in the present tense, using action words.
Ideally, they should be one or two sentences, and no longer than a paragraph.
They can be revised later during the year as you gain clarity in certain matters.
Keep them where they will be visible daily.
Be careful with whom you share your information. Share it with positive uplifting people who will support you in the process of achieving your dreams and goals.
You may wish to form a group that meets periodically to check in with each other and offer counsel and a friendly ear.
Take time daily to vision your goals. Create a dream board and keep it where you can see it daily. Cut out photos and phrases that resonate with what you desire to create.