Diwali is a five day festival in India. It begins with Govatsa Dwadashi, then Dhanteras, followed by Kali Chaudas and Naraka Chaturdashi, and then the night of Diwali itself. Diwali or Deepavali is the Indian festival of lights. “Deepa” means light and “avali” means a continuous line. Diwali occurs just before the Indian New Year. […]
Relationship Astrology
In all my years of practicing Jyotish or Vedic astrology, the top two topics that people want to discuss in a Vedic astrology reading are the honey and the money. Usually it is the honey that takes precedence. Tina Turner asked, “What’s love got to do with it?” Well, everything and then sometimes nothing, when […]
Vasant Panchami 2015
January 24 marks the festival of Vasant Panchami 2015 in India. The festival is also known as Saraswati Puja. The word “vasant” means spring, and Vasant Panchami marks the beginning of the spring season and the coming of the festival of Holi. Vasant Panchami is held during the Vedic month of Magh on the fifth […]
Jupiter in Cancer
Today marks a highly anticipated day in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish. Today is the day that the great benefic planet Jupiter moves from Gemini into Cancer. Jupiter in Cancer is its place of exaltation or greatest strength. The placement of Jupiter in Cancer can be a very momentous time for many people. In Vedic astrology, […]