What Do We See in a Vedic Astrology Chart?

Accordingly to Vedic mythology, thousands of years ago, astrologers prepared a compilation (a samhita) of all the horoscopes of everyone who would ever be born and each individual’s future births as well. The Gods became angry at how this information was being used and cursed astrologers to always disagree. It seems to hold true to present day.

People who have had readings with multiple astrologers often ask the question why each one tells them something different. After all, aren’t they all looking at the same chart? The answer is yes and no.

We are looking at the same chart, though the layout may be different but we don’t necessarily see the same thing. I often liken this to looking at a piece of art; we all have a different perception on what we see. We focus on different details.

Or, if we take the analogy of watching a movie in a theatre; everyone in the theatre sees the same movie but when you ask them about it after the show, each of them remembers something different. What one person focuses on is not the same as what the next person found to be riveting.

Another factor to consider is the astrologer’s training. Vedic astrology (or Jyotish) originated as and continues to be an oral tradition. Students met with their jyotish guru, or astrology teacher, in person for extended periods of time. The guru was also trained by his (usually a male) guru. The guru would expound on the materials written in the ancient texts or shastras. The texts were not meant to be read without having a proper teacher further explain what was written. To find a true teacher in any ancient subject these days is a rare gift. Many people feel they can read modern texts and materials online and that will provide them with sufficient information for detailed interpretation.

The study of jyotish is essentially a lifelong study for a dedicated student. It’s like peeling an onion which has endless layers. We keep getting closer and closer to the core as we continue to explore its depths.

Yet even astrologers with similar training won’t necessarily see the same chart. Due to their own mental impressions and conditioning, each may find differing points of relevance in a chart. And each house in a chart has various significations. For example, the fourth house relates to property, education, mother, vehicles, and home, among other things. One astrologer may focus on how Venus in the fourth house gives a nicely-decorated home while another may discuss how that Venus gives a luxurious automobile. Who is correct? Both potentially, depending on other astrological factors. We also look at the stage in a person’s life and supporting charts to determine what will come to the forefront and whether it will be something enjoyable or troubling.

More important than what an astrologer sees is for the astrologer to determine how the client will view a certain event.  Some people have the art of turning lemons into lemonade while others go into a frenzy at the slightest disruption of their daily schedule. The trained astrologer must be able to enter the chart through the lens of the client and determine how the client interacts with his/her world. Does the person see the glass as half-empty or half-pull?  Does the person focus more on themselves or others? Is the individual hyper-sensitive or can he/she roll with punches?

Taking the client’s perspective and then adding analysis, insight and depth to the interpretation can add a deeper dimension to the reading and thus assist clients in better interacting with their environment- however they view the world.