As 2018 draws to close, take a moment to review how the year has fared for you. What were the high notes? What might you do differently next time? For me, the year seemed to fly by! It was full of ups and downs which Rahu had indicated by its transit in my own chart. And full of the life changes which Saturn was known to bring via its movement. For most of my friends and clients, 2018 was a year of unrest. There was an onslaught of items to manage on all fronts. Deciding what to prioritize and what to lay to rest became key to maintaining equilibrium. As we welcome 2019, many are wondering how to safely traverse any choppy waters which they may have to cross this year. The following are my top astrological tips for success in 2019. These astrological tips for success in 2019 are based on transits (the movement of the planets in the heavens), information found in ancient Jyotish texts, as well as decades of astrological practice.
- The first of the astrological tips for success in 2019 is to start the new year with a strong emotional foothold. In January, there are two eclipses, one of which is visible in North America. Eclipses are said to have a disempowering effect on our emotional state. That is because they overshadow our two luminaries – the Sun and the Moon. The Sun reflects our soul while the Moon is a mirror for our emotional state. With the eclipses, there is a veiling effect. As a result, we may not be able fully access or express our inner desires and spiritual yearnings. Often, the way that we commence a year sets a precedence for how the rest of the year will go. Engage in suggested actions during the eclipses so that you can harmonize with the planetary energies and uplift yourself. Create a strong foothold during the first month of the year. Be clear on what you wish to contribute to the world, activities in which you will partake, what you will forgo this year, and how you will design your life. Eclipses allow a deep time for spiritual reflection and introspection.
Study ancient wisdom. With the political unrest, personal discord, and natural disasters in the world, it has become more difficult for many to find meaning. Where do you find answers when nothing makes sense? Take refuge in the teachings of the ancients sages. They lived in harmony with their environment. Much of the ancient Vedic wisdom was cognized by sages during their meditation. You may find solace in reading the Bhagavad Gita (the “Song of God”), the Ramayana (story of Lord Rama), the Vedas (most ancient Vedic texts), Yoga philosophy, or the Upanishads (literally “sitting near (God) with devotion). Additionally, it’s a perfect year to study a subject of antiquity. Traditionally, Ayurveda, Palmistry, Vaastu Shastra, Sanskrit, Jyotish, and classical Indian music were studied with a teacher, either one on one, or in a small group setting. Find a qualified teacher to educate you in whatever topic interests you.
- Refine your skills. In 2019, Saturn will transit the nakshatra of Purva Ashadha in Sagittarius. This constellation believes in making oneself a better vessel. It allows us to improve our life circumstances by fine tuning our skills – whatever they may be. By adding to your repertoire, you can extend a wider array of offerings to the world. 2019 is the year can contemplate how you can “build a better mousetrap”. This involves thinking more acutely and performing at your best. The motivation here is to be successful in all your endeavors.
Another corollary to improving your skills is to practice patience. While you are polishing your skills, you must have composure. It’s time to put the drama aside and to have forbearance. Don’t get distracted from your pursuits. Keep in mind that the most constant thing in life is change. With time, all things come to pass. Worrying about them never helps. When the going gets tough, be proactive and use the resources you have at hand. This is not the year to share all your complaints on social media. However, 2019 is the year to be rewarded for your efforts if you give them proper time and attention.
- Seek wise counsel. For most of 2019, Jupiter will be in Scorpio in the nakshatra of Jyestha. Jyestha means “the eldest” or “the wisest”. Jupiter is archetypically a teacher or an advisor whom one looks to for proper guidance. Jupiter is called Guru in Sanskrit – the term for a spiritual teacher. Gu means “dark” and ru means “light”. Thus, a Guru is a person who can take us out of the darkness of our own limited knowledge and lead us to the light of awareness. They do so with unselfish motives. Depending on what astrological house Jupiter will be transiting in your chart, this counsel may take the form of a spiritual teacher, a mentor, an attorney, an astrologer, an accountant, a doctor, a therapist, etc. This is one of the astrological tips for success in 2019 because you can benefit from such advisors and stay on the path of dharma.
- Indulge in creative endeavors. Fun loving Rahu moves into Gemini in March. Gemini indicates the use of one’s arms, creativity, and the arts. Rahu hates routines more than anything else! It wants to participate in new and exciting endeavors regularly. For example, take an art class, play an instrument, do creative writing, dance, or whatever will get your artistic juices flowing. Perhaps do something related to a foreign culture, to further satisfy Rahu’s cravings.
The final astrological of the astrological tips for success for 2019 is to take a trip abroad. With Ketu joining Saturn in Sagittarius – the astrological house of foreign travel – you’ll want to heed the callings of your wanderlust. In addition, Saturn represents foreigners. Therefore, it’s the ideal time to learn about a new culture. You may benefit from a spiritual pilgrimage, This planetary pairing can take your meditation practices to greater depths. On the other hand, if you are in the mood for something lighter, take a trip for leisure. See what you appreciate about the lifestyle and values of this other culture and how you can incorporate these aspects to help you live a more aligned life.
Along with following these astrological tips for success in 2019, it’s always helpful to know your basic Vedic astrology chart and how planetary influences may impact your life. Schedule a reading for the new year or give it to a friend or family member as a gift. Being well-informed helps you make logical and supportive choices for your own upliftment. Chart a course for success as you set sail on the divine karmic journey of 2019. Wishing you smooth sailing in the coming year!