Jyotish, or Vedic astrology for July, 2016 poises us on the precipice of momentous planetary changes. It brings a renewal of the Mars / Saturn conjunction, as well as a planetary war creating indecision. The majority of astrological activity takes place in Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio. American Independence Day bought us the arduous new […]
Vedic astrology for July, 2015
Jyotish or Vedic astrology for July, 2015 promises to be a time of transformation. The month begins with a planetary war between Jupiter and Venus and another follows later in the month. Jupiter leaves its exaltation in emotional Cancer and moves into fiery Leo. Jupiter and Mercury gain speed, while Saturn slows down. The extra […]
Vedic Astrology for August, 2014
Jyotish, or Vedic astrology for August, 2014 brings great shifts. For those who complained that things were moving too slowly, the opposite may now be true. An exalted Saturn has come out of retrogression and the “slow mover” is now limping at 125% its normal speed. The period for reassessing strategies is over and it’s […]