Diwali is a five day festival in India. It begins with Govatsa Dwadashi, then Dhanteras, followed by Kali Chaudas and Naraka Chaturdashi, and then the night of Diwali itself. Diwali or Deepavali is the Indian festival of lights. “Deepa” means light and “avali” means a continuous line. Diwali occurs just before the Indian New Year. […]
Dhanteras 2016
The festival of Diwali is actually comprised of five days of rituals in India. We begin the celebration of Diwali 2016 with Govatsa Dwadashi and then the festival of Dhanteras. According to mypanchang.com, Dhanteras 2016 is on October 27 for North America, the West Indies, Europe, Africa, and South America. For India, Australia, New Zealand, […]
Vedic astrology for October, 2016
Jyotish or Vedic astrology for October, 2016 brings a change of pace as the virtuous planets gain strength and the harmful planets lose ground. There is cause to rejoice as we celebrate the Indian festivals of Navratri and Diwali this month. The month begins with the nine night festival of Navratri, which honors the goddesses […]
Navratri 2016
According to the Vedic calendar, immediately following Pitru Paksha comes a much more joyous celebration. That is the festival of Navratri (also spelled Navaratri). Navratri coincides with the beginning of the lunar month of Ashwina in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish. The first of nine nights of the Indian holiday of Sharad Navratri 2016 begins on October […]