April, 2014 is a significant month in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, due to the fact that it contains two eclipses. There is a an annular solar eclipse April 29, 2014. NASA states that it will be visible in the South Indian Ocean, the Southern edge of Indonesia, Australia, as well as Antarctica. Those who are in the path of the eclipse will be most impacted and they should be particularly mindful at the time surrounding the eclipse. Local times for those impacted may be found on the NASA website.
A solar eclipse occurs on a new Moon when the Sun and Moon are together with either the North or South nodes of the Moon (Rahu or Ketu). In the solar eclipse April 29, 2014, the Sun and Moon will be with Ketu in Aries. Eclipses weaken both the Sun and the Moon. However, in this instance, the Sun is considered to be at its strongest point, or exalted, in Aries. Thus, there is strength to support this weakness.
This eclipse occurs in Aries in the nakshatra or star of Bharani, which is ruled by Lord Yama. Yama is known as Dharmaraj, or the king of dharma (righteous activity). Bharani is associated with discipline, toil, hard work, and industriousness. There is also the notion of raising oneself up by one’s bootstraps. Around the time of this April 29, 2014 eclipse, it’s important to follow proper codes of ethical and moral behavior in our undertakings.
The symbol of Bharani nakshatra is the womb. Bharani is associated with retreating from the world and valuing one’s privacy. Jyotish advises spending time alone and in deep quietude is during eclipses.
The cycle of the 27 nakshatras tell a story of creation. While some consider Bharani to be the 2nd nakshatra, it is actually the end of the cycle in terms of the story of life. The association with Yama reinforces this, as he transports the soul from one plane to another. Rather than new beginnings, the solar eclipse April 29, 2014 provides an opportunity to wrap things up and then gain a new perspective.
Earlier this month, we had a lunar eclipse on April 14. Since the eclipses involve the nodes Rahu and Ketu, the chaya grahas or invisible planets, and the Sun and or Moon are occluded from our vision, they are viewed as inauspicious events. Jyotish suggests that the times of eclipses are ideal for inner reflection, meditation or other spiritual practices. It is never advised to directly gaze at an eclipse.