Jyotish or Vedic astrology for June, 2016 presents us with five of nine planets strong and a changing of the tides. Planetary combinations can be overwhelming if you do not properly harness their energies. If used correctly, then you can sail more adeptly over troubled waters.

Venus in Vedic astrology for June, 2016
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, art, and aesthetics, has mixed results due to its transits in Vedic astrology for June, 2016. Venus is in its own sign of Taurus for almost half the month. That renders it powerful in enhancing whatever matters Taurus represent in your own chart. Yet, Venus moves in close proximity to the glaring Sun this month. Thus, your artistic and musical endeavors may not come to full fruition, or you may not see the complete manifestations of your creative endeavors. You could be overshadowed by a male authority figure. In matters of love, you may experience romantic tensions and feel that your heartfelt gestures are not fully appreciated. As you continue to search for the ideal relationship, be careful not to impulsively rush into amorous liaisons with a newfound love interest. It’s not likely to last.
New Moon in Vedic astrology for June, 2016
The new Moon in Vedic astrology for June, 2016 is on June 4 at 8 PM Pacific time. This is Jyestha amavasya. The Sun, Moon, and Venus are at the same degree in Rohini nakshatra. Rohini was the favorite of the Moon’s 27 wives, thus the Moon is considered to be exalted in Rohini. Rohini is the “eye of the bull” in Taurus and is quite bright. Your desire to enjoy opulence may not meet your high standards. Though exalted, the Moon is also weak due to being new and is aspected by retrograde Mars and Saturn in Scorpio. This comprises a quite intense situation. Passions run high as you feel the desire to be seen and heard. While admirers may present themselves, they are not suitable pairings. I will post more about the new Moon on my Facebook page.
On June 8, Mercury joins Sun and Venus in Taurus. This opens the door to multiple opportunities for studying, writing, and creative expression. It can happen in the domain of what Taurus signifies in your personal chart.
Mars in Libra
Just as a debilitated Moon joins Saturn in Scorpio on June 17, Mars moves back into Libra. Wherever you reside in the world, you have seen the news of increased car, train, and airplane accidents. Political strife and uprising have heightened. Saturn and Mars are in watery Scorpio and they signify minerals or earth. There have been greater natural disasters, such as the flooding in Texas and Sri Lanka. We’ve also had serious issues with contaminated water supplies. With Mars moving back into Libra, we get a temporary reprieve from some of this strife. Mars is no longer influencing Ketu, so if you are in a Ketu, Mars, and Saturn cycle, you may feel a lessening of tensions. Yet, Saturn continues to influence the Jupiter / Rahu pairing in Leo, and this is problematic to your judgments.
The Guru Chandal Yoga intensifies as Rahu and Jupiter are within one degree of each other beginning June 18. Due to the underlying dynamic tensions, individuals and groups have been seeking alternative leaders and teachers. Some are not as well-intentioned as others, so exercise discretion. This can also create a rise in prominence of teachers who are authentic and well-established. The two disparate planets move apart a little by month end.
On June 12, Venus moves into Gemini, but is still combust by the Sun. Your attention turns to contemplating your romantic relationships. The Sun joins Venus four days later. Sidereal Virgo ascendants in a Sun cycle will see favorable career opportunities and gain through analytical and intellectual endeavors. Libra ascendants may utilize this month powerfully for spiritual pursuits. On June 21, Venus becomes slightly less combust as it moves away from the Sun. Mercury and Venus will be in a parivartana yoga, or house swap. This can be a mutually beneficial relationship between artistic and cerebral activities. How it will manifest depends on what houses Taurus and Gemini rule in your chart. The book Parivartana Yoga provides examples of all the possibilities.
Full Moon in Vedic astrology for June, 2016
The full Moon in Vedic astrology for June, 2016 is on the 20th at 4 AM Pacific time. It is Jyestha Purnima. The Moon will be full in Sagittarius in Mula nakshatra. It’s a powerful day for spirituality, but not suitable for expenditures. I will post my Facebook page about ways to honor the day.
On June 27, Mercury gains strength by moving back home to Gemini. It creates a combination for analysis, intelligence, and education, especially for sidereal Gemini, Libra, and Pisces ascendants. You may use Ayurvedic supplements to enhance your learning abilities.
Mars loses some of its force as it turns direct in Libra on June 29. However, it’s extremely important to be very careful, especially of accidents and battles the week before and after this slow down. On June 22, Mars is only moving at 20% of its normal speed. Of all the nava grahas (nine planets), Mars most vehemently rails against being stifled. Passive aggressive, impassioned, and hot-tempered behavior can be experienced. To pacify Pitta, use Pitta massage oil, take supplements to ease acidity and heartburn, and calm the mind.
Planetary challenges and opportunities are commensurate in Vedic astrology for June, 2016. Your individual planetary cycles and transits will determine where you should best apply your focus. It’s a time to gain clarity and re-strategize, rather than continue to resist your circumstances. To learn more, please schedule a personalized reading