Caution and instability are the keywords for the planetary activity in Jyotish or Vedic astrology for July, 2017. It’s time to take stock of your internal and external environment. Think of your body as a home for your ultimate self-expression. Construction is about to begin. First, you must look at the blueprint and inspect the designs one last time.
The month in Vedic astrology for July, 2017 begins with expressive Venus happily ensconced in its home of Taurus. Venus will take this opportunity to decorate your home. What will you choose to adorn your home? How will you lay out the artwork? Will you decorate it yourself or use an interior designer? What colors do you want to paint the exterior home, the walls, and the doors? How does your sense of aesthetics make you feel more at peace?
It’s an opportune time to reflect upon your spending habits. Will you use your savings to purchase decor for your home or buy striking personal adornments?
Jupiter’s influence on Venus in Taurus provides the ability to discern wisely. It allows you the benefit of wise counsel to create healthy, rather than frivolous, strategies. What is stronger in your Vedic astrology chart – Jupiter or Venus?
On July 2, Mercury leaves its home of Gemini and moves into Cancer. The analytical planet must maintain its intellectual tenor while swimming in an emotional pool. It’s hampered by unsupportive neighbors who only have self-interest at heart. If you’re in a Mercury planetary cycle, think twice before you take the advice of those who keep you company.
Saturn is the chief architect of the remodeling project. It left the scene for about four months to let you explore new grounds. However, it has now returned to the scene to cast a critical eye on the final details. Has everything gone according to plan? Or did the best laid plans go astray? You can still make alterations, but the foundation has been laid and most of the work is done. Time is of the essence as there is a set calendar to complete the work. Stay on track to secure the next plans for your growth.
Have you secured the premises properly? Is everything in place to make you feel safe and secure? Saturn is feeling unsteady. It’s left a fiery situation and entered muddy waters. What do you need to do to make Saturn feel secure in your personal environment?
The full Moon in Vedic astrology for July, 2017 falls on the 8th in North America and on the 9th in India. It’s a heightened day for spiritual practices as this full Moon is Guru Purnima. Spend time with your Guru and express gratitude for your blessings.
Be careful of accidents and injuries as Mars goes into its sign of weakness on July 7. Mars, the fiery planet of aggression, feels stifled when it is debilitated in Cancer. Like a wounded solider on a battlefield, it is not ready to give up the fight, but it lacks the strength to fully engage.
You feel the need to control all the activities happening but they are not moving as fast as you would like and you are not longer in charge. Things move at a steadier but slow pace. This can frustrate you to no end.
Mars will be debilitated for approximately 6 weeks. Are you in a Mars planetary cycle? If so, then you need to exercise even more caution during this transit. What house (i.e. 1st, 2nd, etc.) does Cancer represent in your chart? This is the sign where Mars is weakest. Get an astrological roadmap if Mars is moving through a problematic astrological house for you. I’ll post more about the times to be the most cautious during Mars’ debilitation and what you can do to minimize the negative aspects of this transit – for members of Reflective Mindset Group. Join now to gain access to this valuable information.