In Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, for 2017, you are presented with the opportunities to re-strategize, partner, and re-visit your ideals with regards to home life and the workplace. The following are my top astrological tips for 2017.
1. Get your health in order. Saturn has been in Scorpio, the eighth house of the natural zodiac since November, 2014. This placement brings about transformation, often via a health crisis. The eighth house signifies chronic health issues. They may manifest as hidden, unseen illnesses and are often difficult to diagnose. For six months of 2016, Saturn and Mars were together in Scorpio, making people drive themselves to the point of exhaustion, or even worse. Jupiter is currently in Virgo, the sixth house of the natural zodiac. Virgo signifies daily routines and habits, especially as they pertain to creating well-being. As the most benevolent of all the planets, Jupiter facilitates the creation of healing regimens in relation to diet, lifestyle, daily routine, cooking, nutrition, etc. Take this opportunity to boost your immunity. Consider implementing healing regimens from Ayurveda, the sister science of Jyotish. Virgo relates to acute health issues, thus you may use the duration of Jupiter’s transit to get your body energized and on the right track. Jupiter remains in Virgo until September.
2. For all the romantics out there, this is the year for you to focus on love! For three and a half months in early 2017, Venus, the benefic planet of love and romance is exalted, or its peak. You can feel that love is in the air! Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and discernment moves into Libra in September. Libra is the 7th house of the natural zodiac. It represents personal and professional partnerships. Jupiter is benevolent, generous, and kind-hearted. In September, Jupiter enters Libra, which is ruled by Venus. Thus, the opportunity for love is a prominent theme this year.
3. Re-think your dharma. Dharma (dhur-maa) is your duty, or right action in this world. Saturn is known as dharma raja or the king of dharma. Saturn moves out of Scorpio this year and into Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign which embodies our highest dharma. What is your true calling in the world? Saturn moves strategically through the world want to make it a safer and more secure place. What do you stand for and how will you articulate that stance? As Saturn moves into Sagittarius at the end of January, you will feel uprooted from your current situation. By July, just when you feel you’ve re-planted yourself, Saturn moves back into Scorpio for a final silent hurrah. Re-think your strategies over the last few years and how they have provided you with the insight to move forward. Get mentally clear. Act, rather than just posting on social media. Your astrological chart gives a clear picture of your dharma.
4. Get clear on which communities you wish to affiliate with. Determine who your teachers and your students are. How do you want to learn? Whom do you wish to guide or teach? You may have had the recent experience of being swayed by false leaders. Are you still taken by the pied piper or do you realize you’ve been led down the wrong path? Have you realized all the false proclamations which you initially believed to be true? You’ll feel motivated to identify with a certain community, whether it is a social group, ethnic or cultural association, a community group, an activist uprising, or just a small circle of confidants. 2017 will bring additional unrest as the world undergoes massive political and socio-economic changes. You’ll want to take a stand, according to your dharma. Take supplements which offer you focus. Decide now as you will be motivated to act in early 2017.
5. Figure out where you want to call “home”. The nodes Rahu and Ketu, move every 1.5 years and wreak havoc wherever they go. Another of my astrological tips for 2017 is to prepare for the nodes changing signs in August to Cancer and Capricorn. Rahu will be determined to shake things up on the home front. There will be the compulsion to travel and seek new adventures. Take herbal supplements to help you rejuvenate after your travels. Rahu easily gets bored with the status quo. It will lead you to search for a more sensory pleasing place to call home. You may feel an impetus to flee the country, at least for the next four years. Or, it will want to engineer dramatic changes to your physical residence. Ketu will attempt to keep things in place on the work front. That will be difficult, given that a change in residence may take you far from your current office location. Get a Vedic astrology reading and inquire about your astrocartography map, or relocational astrology. See where the best places are for you to live, work, heal, or find romance. If you are unhappy with your home but don’t want to move, get a Vaastu shastra consultation. Perhaps there are simple modifications which may be made to the interior of your home which will make it more harmonious. If you are in the Bay area, contact me to schedule a home consultation.
6. Let go of what’s holding you back. Where do you feel limited? Bound? Constricted? Do you feel that you’ve had to keep certain secrets? Have you been so wounded by the trauma which you experienced that you can’t move forward? 2107 is the year to release the ties that bind. Step out of the darkness and into the light. Examine the price you’ve paid for playing small. As we enter the year of the rooster in Chinese astrology, be meticulous and proud like the rooster. Realize that it’s ok to strut your feathers. Put your faith in a higher power or belief system. Don’t think you have to do it alone. Take solace in your communities and spiritual groups.
7. Be generous. In both Vedic astrology and Chinese astrology, we emphasize the importance of creating merit in the world. This is done through our virtuous thoughts, words, and actions. We are here today due to the foundation laid by generations of ancestors. All the good deeds (punya) they participated in have accrued to you and your relations. This punya creates ripples of positive karma which is stored in our karmic warehouse for the future. It builds up in unseen and immeasurable ways. Hence, it’s imperative to be generous with your heart, your actions (your karmas), and your finances. It’s also vital to help those who are less fortunate. Give of your time and talents, and your earnings, too if possible. Be compassionate and empathetic. Lend a helping hand and a shoulder to lean on. Remember to worship your ancestors, especially on new Moons and during Pitru Paksha. When you practice kindness, do so without any expectation of return. It’s not about giving to get. The karmic laws of the universe do not operate that way!
8. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. 2016 was a turbulent year for so many people. It took a toll both mentally and physically. One of the astrological tips for 2017 that will help you find peace of mind is to continually find instances where you can express appreciation. Begin each day with affirming five items for which you are grateful. Start with simple things such as your breath, your vision, your clothes, your bed, food, etc. Feel free to go beyond five! Keep a gratitude journal. Or, have a gratitude jar and write down every time something positive happens and put the paper in the jar. At the end of the year, you’ll be amazed how great 2017 was! Instead of complaining on social media, post a “feel-good” story. There’s always plenty to complain about, and we have an endless supply of people doing that. Seek to educate and uplift yourself and others. One way you will successfully navigate 2017 is to find the bright spots, not the dark tunnels. There’s still lots of transformation ahead, but you can choose daily how you get through it and what you get out of it.
From the viewpoint of Vedic astrology, these are some of the top astrological tips for 2017 to help you have a successful and peaceful year. Remember that I am offering a special offer for a 2017 reading for $117. You can pay via this link and then email me your birth info. Offer is good through January 15, 2017 and readings must be scheduled by January 31st. (This offer may not be used retroactively.) Wishing you and yours a joyous new year!