In Vedic astrology or Jyotish, planets can be classified as natural benefics or natural malefics. Benefics are the planets which possess the capacity to deliver results which we deem as favorable. Malefics can bring forth experiences which we would prefer not to experience. The benefics are Venus and Jupiter, Mercury, (when it’s with other benefics), and a bright Moon. The malefics are Saturn, Mars, the Sun, the nodes Rahu and Ketu, Mercury (when it’s with other malefics), and a dark Moon.

The greatest benefic is Jupiter. Jupiter is called Guru in Sanskrit. One meaning for Guru is a spiritual teacher; another meaning is large. Jupiter is the mantri, or the advisor. It is charismatic, enthusiastic, generous, and adheres to dharma or moral codes of conduct. Jupiter is the significator of both teachers and children in Vedic astrology.
Jupiter recently turned retrograde in Taurus on October 4th in Vedic astrology. Retrogression is considered to be a sign of strength, rather than weakness, in Vedic astrology. When a planet is retrograde, it is closer to the earth and thus exerts more of a gravitational impact. What is vital is the period when a planet moves from its forward motion to retrogression. The planet has to make a U-turn. To do so, it has to slow down considerably to make this shift. During this time, a planet is stationary; it is staying in one place. It slowly gains momentum. The stationary periods are when people feel the impact of a planet the most strongly. Currently, Jupiter is moving at 20% of its normal speed. It gets back to 50% of its regular movement on October 16. Then, at the end of the month, Jupiter is back at its regular daily movement patterns, while still in retrogression.
Taurus is symbolized by the bull, which is known for its stubbornness and strength. Taurus is the second house of the natural zodiac, which signifies the family, speech, and clothing. These matters will come to the forefront during Jupiter’s retrogression. Taurus is a money house and also signifies accumulated money, i.e. your savings and investments. There can be ongoing discussions with family about finances and children. Topics may be rehashed with no resolution in sight. This is a good time to review your finances.
Due to the fixed nature of Taurus, those in a Jupiter planetary cycle may experience that change happens slower than usual. You will find that others are more responsive to practical, concrete ideas rather than abstractions. Convincing someone to alter their viewpoint may be a daunting task, which requires a great deal of communication.
Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and discernment. Jupiter and Venus play the role of advisers in Vedic astrology. Given its placement in the house of speech, plenty of guidance may be dispensed, but implementation will take time. There can be tendency to expound on a topic endlessly. For those in a Jupiter cycle, it is a good time for public speaking, teaching and the recitation for mantras.

Jupiter is with South node Ketu in Taurus. While Ketu does have a spiritual bent to it, Ketu is debilitated in Taurus (not all Vedic astrologers agree on where the nodes are debilitated). Ketu does not express its spiritual inclinations well. It leads to more hedonistic tendencies. Jupiter is also influenced by the planets situated opposite it in Scorpio: Mars and an exalted Rahu. Three malefics are influencing Jupiter’s magnanimous nature. Typically wise judgment may give in to impulsive behavior.
Taurus also signifies the face and ingested items. In terms of Ayurveda, Jupiter rules madhu rasa or the sweet taste. Jupiter is associated with fatty foods which are made from butter or ghee. It also indicates sweet foods and herbs, and sweeteners. Jupiter can lead to gluttony and excess when it’s afflicted. It wants to be true to its name and be ever expansive. Be careful not to excessively treat yourself to rich, high caloric treats or other unhealthy foods.
Jupiter ends its retrogression cycle in Vedic astrology on January 30, 2013.