Tag: Ayurvedic

Agni, the digestive fire

In Ayurveda, the concept of Agni, or the digestive fire is a key factor in understanding our physiological makeup, or our prakruti and vikruti.  Ayurveda has three doshas, or core energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.  Some consider agni to be the fourth dosha. Ayurveda teaches us that everything which we take in must be digested, […]

Ayurvedic Winter Remedies

The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda classifies the seasons according to their predominant dosha: Vata, Pitta, or Kapha.  Vata season is fall. Pitta season is late spring and summer.  Kapha season is winter and early spring.  As it’s been an exceptionally harsh winter for most parts of the country, there are Ayurvedic winter remedies which […]

The Importance of an Ayurvedic Daily Routine

The ancient healing science of Ayurveda provides multiple methods through which we can regain our health and restore balance to our lives. One method which is utilized to balance the doshas (body types) is the Ayurvedic daily routine.  The Ayurvedic daily routine is transformative in assisting digestion, assimilation, and absorption. It brings the body and […]