Category: Blog

New Regimens for a New Year

Today marks the first day of the Indian new year.  Yesterday was the festival of Diwali (dee-vaah-lee) or Deepavali (deep-uh-vaah-lee) – the festival of lights.  Deepa means dharma (sacred duty) and avali means a continuous line. Diwali celebrates the return of Lord Rama back home after a 14 year period of exile. The residents of […]

Winter is upon us

 It is November and while we’ve been having atypical weather everywhere, the true taste of winter is just around the corner.  Speaking in Ayurvedic terms, winter can easily imbalance both Vata and Kapha doshas (body types). Vata is cold, dry, rough, and mobile.  Kapha is heavy, static, cool, and dense.  While we can consider the doshas […]

First Post! The Four Pillars of Life

Reflecting on a situation or even reading about it can sometimes help makes sense when we are confused or perplexed about a situation.We all strive for security and knowing the place of things in our lives. It helps us move through the world with a greater sense of ease.  As Maslow defined, we need to […]