Vedic astrology or Jyotish is based on the Indian or Vedic calendar. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the Vedic calendar is a lunar based system. The observances during each month are usually spiritually or religiously based and rooted in deep tradition. One upcoming annual event is Pitru Paksha 2014. September 9 marks the beginning of the […]
Happy Maha Shivaratri!
One night of each year in the Indian calendar is dedicated to worship of Lord Shiva. Shiva has many names: Nataraj, Mahadeva, Mahesh, Rudra, Ugra, Ardra, Maheshwara, Shambho, Shankara, and the list goes on. Each name describes a specific quality of the lord’s multi-faceted being. Shiva is “Mahadeva” – the great lord. On this auspicious […]
The Holidays Commence…Navratri 2007
Today marks the first night of Navratri 2007 (pronounced Nuh-vuh-rah-trii (as in bee)) in the Indian calendar. Nav = nine and ratri = night. Thus, it is the night nights that are dedicated to the celebration of the goddess. The first three days/ nights are dedicated to the goddess Durga (pronounced Dour (rhymes with tour) gah […]