India brought us the science of Ayurveda and it has also brought us the Kama Sutra. Ayurveda declares that the emotions of the cook play a significant role in how we digest our food and how satisfied we feel. Ayurveda categorizes six tastes, or shad rasa in our diet: sweet (madhu), sour (amla), salty (lavana), […]
The Unique Health Benefits of Fennel
Historically, fennel has been utilized for treating indigestion, constipation, respiratory issues, eye problems, colic, menstrual disorders, anemia, diarrhea and flatulence.
Spice Up Your Life With Cumin!
You walk into an Indian restaurant and your nose catches whiffs of the fragrant aromas emanating from the kitchen. While multiple spices have co-mingled to create a pleasing sensory experience, one spice in the mix is undoubtedly cumin. According to Ayurveda, each food has at least one of six tastes or rasas: sweet, sour, salty, […]
Spice Up Your Life!
While Indians do have lower life expectancies than people living in the West, and they suffer from diseases such as malnourishment and malaria, it’s a well-documented fact that they don’t suffer from some of the same dis-eases as Americans. They have lower rates of heart disease, cholesterol, and diabetes. One reason that Indians do […]
Add some spice to your life!
While Indians do have lower life expectancies than people living in the West, and they suffer from diseases like malnourishment and malaria, it’s a well-documented fact that they don’t suffer from some of the same dis-eases as Americans. They have lower rates of heart disease, cholesterol, and diabetes. One reason that Indians do maintain their […]