Tag: Mercury in Libra

Vedic astrology for October, 2014

Like the leaves of fall shedding and changing colors, Jyotish or Vedic astrology for October, 2014 brings with it a preparation for our own transformation.  Most notably we will have two eclipses in October.  The total lunar eclipse will be on the full Moon October 8 and visible in most parts of the world.  The […]

Mercury and Saturn: The Battle Between Impulsiveness and Caution in Vedic Astrology

I previously wrote about the planetary configuration of all the planets on the nodal axis in Vedic astrology or Jyotish. Multiple factors have added to this intensity. One is the current planetary war (or graha yuddha) between Mercury and Saturn in Libra. A planetary war is when two of the five “true” planets in Vedic […]