Historically, fennel has been utilized for treating indigestion, constipation, respiratory issues, eye problems, colic, menstrual disorders, anemia, diarrhea and flatulence.
Spice Up Your Life With Coriander !
Coriander is one of those rare spices that we seem to use equally in seed, powder, or plant form. It is used both fresh and dry and is a popular garnish on dishes. The fresh form is sold in grocery stores as cilantro. Indians know this herb as dhanya and it’s a staple in any […]
Spice Up Your Life With Cumin!
You walk into an Indian restaurant and your nose catches whiffs of the fragrant aromas emanating from the kitchen. While multiple spices have co-mingled to create a pleasing sensory experience, one spice in the mix is undoubtedly cumin. According to Ayurveda, each food has at least one of six tastes or rasas: sweet, sour, salty, […]
Spice Up Your Life With Turmeric
Turmeric is anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-flatulent, and a decongestant
Spice Up Your Life!
While Indians do have lower life expectancies than people living in the West, and they suffer from diseases such as malnourishment and malaria, it’s a well-documented fact that they don’t suffer from some of the same dis-eases as Americans. They have lower rates of heart disease, cholesterol, and diabetes. One reason that Indians do […]
Add some spice to your life!
While Indians do have lower life expectancies than people living in the West, and they suffer from diseases like malnourishment and malaria, it’s a well-documented fact that they don’t suffer from some of the same dis-eases as Americans. They have lower rates of heart disease, cholesterol, and diabetes. One reason that Indians do maintain their […]