Author: Madhavi

The Season of Giving

Holiday time is supposed to be a joyous occasion.  A time for family, sharing food and gifts, vacations, and festivities. Yet, all too often, we get stressed with the “to do” list for the holidays.  There’s holiday shopping, baking, travel planning, party planning, finding babysitters, making room for guests, writing holiday cards, trips to and […]

Be Irregularly Regular

In the system of Ayurveda, there are three doshas or body types: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.  Vata, the principle of movement, is aggravated by an erratic lifestyle.  The more that Vata is out of balance, the more that an individual engages in irregular regimens.  So, the cycle perpetuates itself. We must learn strategies for balancing […]

Add some spice to your life!

While Indians do have lower life expectancies than people living in the West, and they suffer from diseases like malnourishment and malaria, it’s a well-documented fact that they don’t suffer from some of the same dis-eases as Americans.  They have lower rates of heart disease, cholesterol, and diabetes. One reason that Indians do maintain their […]